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The Pumbenko family

Нам потрібно було зробити банк живим: щоб він був у світі людей, розумів їхні проблеми, говорив з ними однією мовою та відповідав буденним справам.

  • Client

    Перший Український Міжнародний Банк

  • Креатив

    Ідея, копірайтинг, tone of voice

  • Дизайн

    Дизайн, арт-дирекшен, айдентика

  • SMM

    SMM-стратегія, контент, просування

The Pumbenko family

As part of the update of PUMB’s social media strategy, we have separately worked out the role of Instagram within the digital ecosystem of PUMB, analyzed products and identified target audiences for them.

We worked out the audiences and defined them in personas. This is a detailed social and behavioral portrait of subscribers and customers who will be interested in the bank’s offers.

As part of the creative idea, we combined the characters and came up with the Pumbenko family. This is an ordinary Ukrainian family facing the same problems as we all: they forgot their wallet, need to pay the utility bill, take out a loan for household appliances, and pay with a card in a store.



Grand Prix of the Best Corporate Media of Ukraine 2019 contest for the Instagram page


in the category “corporate page in social networks” in 2019, 2020 and 2021